Hi, I’m Whitley.

A UX Design leader embracing service design & strategic innovation.

My Work

Scaling with Purpose

A holistic UX approach that streamlined onboarding, empowered employees, and fueled explosive growth in an emerging industry

User Research, Service Design, Prototyping, Development Collaboration, Design Process

Streamlining Sales

A user-centered approach to medical device sales, significantly increasing field adoption rates and saving sales reps 8.5 hours per week through a complete app overhaul

User Research, UI Inventory, UI Audit, UI + UX Documentation, Prototyping, Development Collaboration, Design Process

Simplifying Payroll & Compliance

Upgrading management processes to boost payroll accuracy and streamline compliance

Information Architecture, Wireframes, Design Thinking, Design Process, Dashboard Design, Inline Editing, Product Overhaul